БИНОЛОДЖИ анкета клиента
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Company name *
Country of Company headquarters *
Countries/territories of operation
Website *
Name *
Surname *
Position *
Email *
Mobile phone (in international format) *
Working phone
Type of Company *
Company size
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Main field of Company activity / task area *
Company is interested in Binology products and technologies to: *
Interested in *
Number of containers available to Company or planned for digitalization with SENSORS? (=upper estimate of the scope of our possible cooperation, under ideal circumstances, when all your requirements are met)
Number of places available to Company or planned for digitalization with SMART CONTAINERS? (=upper estimate of the scope of our possible cooperation, under ideal circumstances, when all your requirements are met)
Are you personally familiar with such technologies, do you have any relevant experience in the past?
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Type and quantity of products you consider to purchase for test in your area? Please put "no" if test is not required.
Approximate month of the purchase of equipment for local test in your area OR month of the first possible commetcial purchase, if test is not required.
Approximate number of Sensors for a first commercial order, that you consider to place under ideal circumstances when all your requirements are met?
Approximate number of Smart Containers for a first commetcial order, that you consider to place under ideal circumstances when all your requirements are met?
If you’re looking to become our dealer/reseller, how many employees (salesforce) will be involved in market promotion of our products?
If you’re looking to become our dealer/reseller, how many units of each type you're looking to sell annually?
Do you have any internal ESG-practices implemented in your Company?
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Can we use messengers for prompt business communication? If yes, please mark and add your corresponding login/phone in "other" field.
Additional prefered languages for communication besides English:
Email, connected to Google services, so we can share a folder with you for convenient workflow.
Additional questions, comments and requests?
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